Mysterio in Marvel Spider-Man 2: Truths, Rumors & Insights

Mysterio in Marvel Spider-Man 2 Truths, Rumors & Insights

Great commercial and critical success of Spider-Man has made fans eager to see what the creators have in box for the sequel. After the release of new trailer, The Major Talk in the gaming world is the inclusion of Mysterio in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Fans are considering his inclusion, the perfect fit for the game’s world. Because of his illusions and special effects. If Mysterio is really a villain it will be interesting to see how his powers will be adapt in the sequel. 

His special effects and illusions can create some unique and challenging battles. Additionally, Mysterio’s inclusion may provide players with unique and interesting challenges to complete. Mysterio is a classic Spider-Man villain, and he would be a great addition to the game’s already impressive roster of villains.  

The “Mysterious” Symbols: Strong Indications of Mysterio

The Green symbol is spotted in the latest trailer of Spider-Man 2. Which is similar to Mysterio’s traditional symbol. It’s a diamond shaped green symbol which has an eye in its middle. 

Other elements also indicate his inclusion in the sequel. For example, his green smoke and illusions. In new trailer, the spider man can be clearly seen flying towards green symbol in the sky. As he gets closer, he is surrounded by green smoke and illusions. 

The Green symbol is connected to Mysterio in many ways. Firstly, Green color is associated to him in spider man as he wears green costume and use green smoke and illusions in his attack. 

Secondly, the shame of the symbol is similar to Mysterio’s helmet, which is diamond shaped with an eye in the middle. And finally, the symbol is shown with other elements associated to Mysterio, like green smoke and illusions. 

Hence, all these symbols clearly indicate the inclusion of Mysterio in Spider-Man 2. But his role in the story can be debateable. 

Quentin Beck’s Appearance in Recent Footage

In recent play footage released in September, 2023, The Mysterio’s alter go, Quentin beck also made an appearance. He was wearing purple robes which are departure from his traditional cape. 

The robes Beck wearing are more detailed and elaborate. Also, they have more mystical look to them. Which indicates Beck in taking his role as master of illusions.

More interesting is the fact that Quentin is not wearing his traditional fishbowl helmet. Maybe they don’t want to instantly throw his identity to the fans. The Green symbol left around the Newyork city is associated with Beck’s traditional costume. 

Possible Theories: Mysterio vs. The Purple Man

Could that character be Zebediah Kilgrave | The Purple Man? Based on the evidence presented so far, he is most likely the Mystrio, but here is the other possibility. 

The Purple man known for his purple costume. In the Spider-Man 2 footage, the character is wearing purple robes. And also, the footage is dominated by the purple color with purple lighting and accents throughout. 

Another evidence that supports purple man inclusion is the scarf of the character. The scarf in the footage is similar to the scarf purple man was wearing in Jessica jones series

But one fact also contradicts this theory of purple man’s inclusion is the man in the footage does not look like the purple man. As he is known as a handsome and groomed man. While the character in the footage is frumpier and more unkempt. 

Additionally, the purple man is known for his mind controlling ability. He is able to control people’s mind through his voice. But in the footage, the character does not seen doing this. 

In my opinion the character is most likely the Mysterio, as the green color is more dominant and the appearance of the character is more matching with Mysterio than the purple man. 

Another possibility is the character can be a new villain that has not been introduced yet. Or the combination of Mysterio and The Purple Man. The time will decide the rest. 

Video Credit: Lunar Squadron


In the conclusion, the inclusion of the Mysterio is more evident by the facts, while some evidences also indicates it’s Purple Man. Here is the summary of the evidences discussed above. 

  • Green symbols similar to Mysterio’s design have been spotted in the trailers.
  • Quentin Beck, Mysterio’s alter ego, makes a brief appearance in the State of Play footage wearing purple robes.
  • The green glowing symbols that Beck leaves around New York City resemble the eye designs that are usually spotted as clasps for his cape on his costume in other media.

Only time will decide who the character is, Mysterio, The Purple Man, or a new mysterious character to be included. Whoever the character is, the fans are eagerly waiting for the release. I assume they have cleared the space for the Mighty game of 98 GB.

 And some have preloaded the game including me. If you have not preloaded the game which was available from 13 October 2023, do it now.

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